News — prayer shawl

The Meaning of a Prayer Shawl

Posted by Jessica Ybarra on

The Meaning of a Prayer Shawl

Peace of My Heart™ Prayer Shawl “The passion you have for weaving is a gift: Treasure it, and honor the gift by exploring it, developing it, expressing it, and sharing it with those around you. Do that, and your love of weaving will be a joy forever.” Sarah Jackson, Sarah Jackson Design Sarah Jackson  Sarah Jackson knew she was a weaver from the first time she saw the beautiful colors of yarn on a loom.  She was a young girl on a camping trip to secluded Northern New Mexico where she happened on Craft House (a weaving cooperative founded by Rachel Brown and...

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Peace of My Heart™ Prayer Shawl in Tencel

Posted by Jessica Ybarra on

Peace of My Heart™ Prayer Shawl in Tencel

Why Tencel? When Sarah Jackson and I first started designing the Peace of My Heart™ Prayer Shawl back in March 2020, our Chinese source of Tencel 8/2 had all but dried up due to COVID-19. So we decided to use Bambu 12 instead. We loved using Bambu 12 for the gossamer-fine fabric it would give when woven at 30 ends per inch. Perfect for a very special prayer shawl. We knew that the lightness, the drape, the flowing fabric would be well worth the time and concentration necessary to produce this sacred cloth. It’s been a huge success! Thank you for all your wonderful support! New...

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The Meaning of a Prayer Shawl

Posted by Jessica Ybarra on

The Meaning of a Prayer Shawl

Peace of My Heart™ Prayer Shawl “The passion you have for weaving is a gift: Treasure it, and honor the gift by exploring it, developing it, expressing it, and sharing it with those around you. Do that, and your love of weaving will be a joy forever.” Sarah Jackson, Sarah Jackson Design Sarah Jackson  Sarah Jackson knew she was a weaver from the first time she saw the beautiful colors of yarn on a loom.  She was a young girl on a camping trip to secluded Northern New Mexico where she happened on Craft House (a weaving cooperative founded by Rachel Brown and...

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